Well can you believe that it is 6 mths since we landed here in the UK????? Where does the time go?? Well I can truly say that this has been the hardest yet most challenging 6mth of my life. God has continued to supply our needs. Currently we are preparing to move house in 3wks and 3days. God has blessed us with a bigger house (plenty of room for Australian Visitors!! LOL) that is only a 5min walk for Mike for work. I'm really looking forward to unpacking our stuff, most of it hasn't been unpacked in almost 9mths. It will be like Christmas all over again. Yesterday was also our 7th Wedding anniversary, I cooked Michael a lovely candle lit meal, and He wrote me a wonderful Poem. Isn't married life wonderful. Tomorrow is Alyssa 1st Birthday, I can hardly believe that she is one. She is continually keeping me on my toes, and is very fast on her feet. God have blessed us greatly with 2 wonderful girls. Anyway time is passing fast. Must run but first our Congratulations to the Becker's on Amy, the Gilchrist on Adelaide, and Matt and Laura on WinterBabe (EDD Aug). All our love and best wishes to you all. Also here are the Edinburgh photos I promised. God Bless and have a wonderful day.